Obs studio settings for twitch
Obs studio settings for twitch

obs studio settings for twitch

Note: This section covers Simple output mode.

  • Enter your Stream Key (this can generally be found using the 'Get Stream Key' button).
  • Select the server (or enter its URL for Custom Streaming Servers).
  • Select one of the included Services (Check "Show all services" to see the full list in the dropdown) or set Custom Streaming Server.
  • Enable/Disable automatic recording when streaming.
  • Show confirmation for starting/stopping streams.
  • Enable/disable system tray icon (required for hiding to tray).
  • This will not cover everything, but will be an overview of the basics and what you can do in each section. Overall, most settings will be fairly self-explanatory. Use it if you're brand new to OBS Studio and just want to get started as soon as possible! The 4-step Quickstart guide has been moved to OBS Studio Quickstart.

    obs studio settings for twitch

    This guide is broken into these main sections: It may seem like a lot to take in all at once just take your time and read carefully. However, even if you don't have any previous experience, don't be discouraged! This guide can still be very useful. Goto View -> Stats and notice the bitrate is 2500 kb/s instead of under 100 kb/s since you are streaming a black screen.This guide assumes you already have a basic knowledge of streaming services and streaming terminology, and aims to give you a quick overview of the most important options and features in OBS Studio.Change Encoder to x264, change Rate Control to CRF, make sure CRF number is 23, change Keyframe Interval to 2.Goto Output section and change Output Mode to Advanced.

    obs studio settings for twitch

    Check "Ignore streaming service setting recommendations".

    obs studio settings for twitch

    I'm not sure if is suppose to be there anyway since maybe it's a bug that the new flag "IgnoreRecommended=true" does not work. Current BehaviorĬhecking "Ignore streaming service setting recommendations" adds "IgnoreRecommended=true" in section but does not add "ApplyServiceSettings=false" in the section of basic.ini. After manually adding "ApplyServiceSettings=false", the rate control is finally set to CFR. I have noticed that the setting "ApplyServiceSettings=false" is missing from the section of basic.ini. It doesn't since I choose a rate control of CRF for Twitch and it is still set to CBR. OBS Studio version: 26.1.1 Expected BehaviorĬhecking "Ignore streaming service setting recommendations" should work. Operating system and version: Windows 10 2004

    Obs studio settings for twitch